Today is a big day because…

Today the shower house leaves to go back to New Orleans.  The showers arrived one week after Hurricane Ike ravaged our island and our lives.  The EFCA Crisis Response Team brought them from New Orleans after use during Katrina rebuild.  The Chapel and Whitehouse sheltered Volunteers who came to help with the clean-up and rebuild of Galveston for over 2 years.  The showers were here for the Volunteers.  They served all those who came to help us but now, they are no longer needed.  The Chapel and Whitehouse say goodbye to a friend. 

Thank you to the EFCA Crisis Response Team & the thousands of Volunteers from all over the U.S. & Canada for coming to our side when we were devastated.  You are gone now but you will never ever be forgotton. 

January 22nd, 2011|Ike|0 Comments

She gave Shelter

Christ Chapel was restored in 2008. Her doors were happy to open once again to the weddings & funerals of her people, with hopes of more.

Ike came so soon and ravaged her.

So, she opened her mud-stained doors to the countless volunteers who came to help her people. She sheltered them for over two years while they helped the people of her Island rebuild their homes, their lives. The volunteers have gone now and the Chapel is ever more beautiful, because she held them within.

Christ Chapel shall open her doors once more to the ceremonies & feasts of her people, His People.

A wedding has been scheduled for March 6th…
May God glorify Himself in this place

January 16th, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments